Welcome to Libyan Law and Society. This website is the fruit of a long-standing academic cooperation of Benghazi’s Centre for Law and Society Studies and Leiden’s Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance and Society. It features research publications, opinions, and a legal archive. Please get in touch if you have ideas, questions, or comments!

Justice seeking and access to justice in Libya: former owners of land dispossessed via Law 4/1978 in Tobruk
In the 1970s, the revolutionary regime of Muammar Gaddafi expropriated and redistributed land. In the aftermath of his fall, former owners started to claim their land back - putting them at loggerheads with current occupants. Dr Suliman Ibrahim analysed one particularly revealing land dispute in the eastern Libyan city of Tobruk which seemed impossible to resolve until its very unexpected end.

Justice seeking and access to justice in Libya: Wives of missing persons in Bani Walid
What are the experiences of people looking for justice in contemporary Libya? For Phase 1 of the Access to Justice-project, Supreme Court Judge Ali Abu Raas analysed the justice journeys of three family members of the victims of the Abu Salim-prison massacre of 1996, during which an estimated 1270 prisoners were killed.